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Hospital Particular Alvor
UGA 00h16mUrgent Care
Hospital Particular Gambelas
UGF 00h06mUrgent Care
UPF 00h00mPaediatrics
Hospital Particular da Madeira
UGHM 00h17mUrgent Care
UPHM 00h00mPaediatrics
Madeira Medical Center
UGMM Unscheduled Medical Carewaiting times
Hospital Particular Alvor
UGA 00h16mAtendimento Permanente
Hospital Particular Gambelas
UGF 00h06mAtendimento Permanente
UPF 00h00mPediatria
Hospital Particular da Madeira
UGHM 00h17mAtendimento Permanente
UPHM 00h00mPediatria
Madeira Medical Center
UGMM Atendimento MédicoPode ainda contactar-nos através do 282 42 04 00 Algarve | 269 630 370 Alentejo | 291 003 300 Madeira
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)Request Appointment/Request Exam - After completing the respective forms, these requests will be processed by our services, and you will receive confirmation by email. The indications about the Agreements (Insurance/Subsystem) are merely informative, please request confirmation in the "Observations" field.
Schedule Appointment/Exam myHPA - By accessing myHPA Saúde you can make the appointment in real time, directly on the Doctor's schedule according to his availability.
You can also contact us at +351 282 420 400 Algarve | +351 269 630 370 Alentejo | +351 291 003 300 Madeira
(National landline)
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Facial aging is accompanied by changes in skin texture and morphology, aggravated by gravitational forces, which cause excess or loose skin of the upper eyelids to occur, sometimes at levels that interfere with the upper visual field.
With the lower eyelids, facial aging is characterized by manifestations that may encompass one or more concerns: excess skin, accompanied or not by tarsal laxity with eyelid drop (ectropion/entropion); peri orbital wrinkles (crow's feet); herniation of periorbital fat, forming the "puffy eyes"; pronounced arbitrary-malar transition with the formation of "dark circles".
The surgical techniques used are often associated with other facial, surgical, and non-surgical rejuvenation procedures (such as botulinum toxin and hyaluronic acid).
Cirurgia das Pálpebras - Blefaroplastia
O envelhecimento facial acompanha-se de alterações da textura e morfologia cutâneas, agravadas por forças gravitacionais, que fazem com que ocorra excesso ou queda de pele das pálpebras superiores, por vezes a níveis que interferem no campo visual superior.
A nível das pálpebras inferiores o envelhecimento facial carateriza-se por manifestações que podem englobar uma ou mais preocupações: excesso de pele, acompanhada ou não de laxidez tarsal com queda da pálpebra (ectrópion/entropion); rugas peri orbitárias (pés de galinha); herniação da gordura peri orbitária, formando os “papos dos olhos”; transição órbito-malar pronunciada com a formação de “olheiras”
As técnicas cirúrgicas utilizadas associam-se, com frequência a outros procedimentos de rejuvenescimento facial, cirúrgicos e não cirúrgicos (como toxina botulínica e ácido hialurónico).